• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Kenyan Top Stories

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Shame On You: KURA DG Silas Kinoti Hit Back at His Boss CS Murkomen and MP Sudi for Attacking Gachagua

Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) Boss Silas Kinoti is the latest civil servant who has come out to defend deputy president Rigathi Gachagua over constant attack by a section of Kenya Kwanza leaders.

Mr Kinoti a close ally of Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua, has called out his boss transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen and Kapsaret Mp Oscar Sudi to stop attacking Gachagua and focus on working for Kenyans instead of tribal politics.

“Why is Murkomen behaving as if he owns this country, he is just a mere Cabinet Secretary despite him being my boss at the transport ministry. We have a lot of work to do, let him focus with his Ministry and deliver quality services to Kenyans, they should leave Gachagua alone and respect him, Gachagua is our son we must protect him,” Kinoti said in a private meeting he held with a section of Mt Kenya leaders who are pro Gachagua.

On Tuesday last week, Mr Kinoti held a closed door meeting in his private office in Nairobi with Mt Kenya pro Gachagua leaders with close source indicating that among key issues discussed were how Kinoti with his financial muscles will sponsor for an impeachment motion to oust his boss CS Murkomen.

Kinoti who comes from Meru community is well known for his financial muscles, as he has been involved in serious corruption deals at KURA.

In 2022 general elections, Kinoti financed heavily Azimio leader Raila Odinga with over half a billion for his campaigns, and already he has taken sides in this Kenya Kwanza government due to tribal clashes.

Kinoti has on several occasions been boasting to his board members how Gachagua has been protecting him at KURA despite his dirty deals, saying he is untouchable and he will serve as KURA DG till 2032.

Will president Ruto keep him in this government, only time will tell.


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