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Telling Kenyan Stories

One On One With Muli Musyoka


Nov 17, 2022

Tell us a bit about yourself:

My name is Muli Musyoka and I love life.I enjoy my time alot to the point that I love taking long drives all by myself. I love sports and I go to the gym alot.When I was younger I dreamt of being a footballer but after I hurt my back that dream was shelved.I love creating new things and giving back to the society.Many say I am a trichologist but I consider myself an entrepreneur.

How was your childhood?

I grew up in a small village in Machakos called Kenya Israel.They call it that because it is said that the road there was constructed by the Israelites I don’t know how true that is.I started my pre primary and primary education in Machakos then I proceeded to Machakos high school.I have five siblings, our first born is a doctor,our second born works with Red cross while one of my sisters is a nutritionist and the other a human resource manager.My dad was a teacher.My parents taught me alot about leadership and being organized when I was younger and I credit them for my success.

How was life after highschool?

After highschool I was in the mitumba business. I also did garbage collection then later I began acting set books at the Kenya National Theatre.I would be paid 500 bob a week and would walk to and from town.Afterwards I pursued hair at a very prestigious college here in Nairobi then later went on to work for Haco brands in product development.There I was a manager and team leader and I would manage over 30 people.After a few years at Haco I went to study marketing in South Africa then later went to Australia to pursue Trichology.After I graduated I came back to Kenya and started my consultancy Hair Hub.I opened my first office in 2013 then went to India with my brother in law to study hair transplants.In 2014 April we partnered and officially started our centre here along Ngong road.When we started out we only had two nurses and now it has grown into an institution.

How much capital did you use to start Hairhub?

We started out with ksh 600,000 and we used it to secure space.We paid the down payment and started working.Since then we have had the honour and privilege of serving the elite and top members of the society.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

In the next 10 years I hope we will have made a mark in Africa and in the world.I hope to train more students in Trichology.In August I was awarded for impacting the trichology industry positively through my work and I want to train as many young people as possible.I am also looking forward and hoping to partner with organizations from all over the world.

What is your goal in Trichology?

My goal is to change people’s lives through trichology.Being in a position to change people’s lives is my main satisfaction and goal.I always give my clients the best service and make sure they walk out feeling amazed and satisfied.

What advise do you have for those who wish to pursue your path?

People must take time to invest, learn and perfect their skills.Dont focus on growing the business focus on growing the customers.We treat our customers with respect and make sure that they get value for their hard earned money.You need to have an edge in your business to pull customers to your business.

What would you like your legacy to be?

I would like people to look at me as someone who has impacted the industry.When I first entered the industry I purposed to make a difference in the hair industry.At Haco I did alot of seminars and trained alot of people in the hair industry.When I left Haco I started the Hair Raising Conference and before that the Afro Hair Awards.The awards are known to be transparent and honest and that is why many people in the hair industry flock and attend our events.

The Hair Raising Conference has trained alot of hairdressers in East and Central Africa to be the very best at what they do.I want to be remembered as a person who purposed to change the industry.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were starting out?

When I was young I didn’t know it was okay to make mistakes.The older you become the lesser the room for error you are given by society.I have now learnt that it is okay to make mistakes and it’s normal to make mistakes.

What mantra do you live by?

Build for legacy and not for now.Do something that will outlive you.Everything you do give it your best and fulfill your purpose but don’t forget to enjoy your life in the process.

How did you manage to introduce Trichology to the industry?

Before I left to study it abroad I saw a need and gap in Kenya and I went to school to come and fill in that gap.At first many people misunderstood Trichology but with time many have grown to learn and appreciate it.

How has your business managed to grow so tremendously?

Doing a good job has helped us greatly because
57 percent of our new clients have been sent by people who have been served by us.

What is your message for potential clients?

We are in the business of amazing and delivering great services to our customers.We do our work wholeheartedly and ensure our customers are fully satisfied.We really care about our customers and we want to give you as much value as possible.

What message for your loyal customers who cannot stop shouting about your business on rooftops?

Thankyou for believing in us and may you find people who believe in you the way you have believed in us

What is your message for our readers?

All you can do is all you can and all you can do is enough but make sure you’ve done all you can do.


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