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Telling Kenyan Stories

Vincent Were:E-Mobility Champion In East Africa


May 3, 2024

Tell us a bit about yourself and the event that is taking place today:

My name is Vincent Were.Today is a big day as we transition from petrol and embrace E-Mobility.We have been actively participating in the government’s agenda to migrate our fleet to an electric fleet and you know globally everyone is talking about climate change in Kenya in line with the Paris Agreement and COP 7.We have intentions to take part in climate action plans now and in the future. We have also worked very closely with the county government of Mombasa to actualize their climate change action plan and so we are piloting a program in Mombasa to go electric in the public transportation sector.

How has the adoption process been so far?We have actually seen drivers in Mombasa embrace electric transportation as we speak now we’ve already released several electric Tuk Tuks and Motor bikes and we’ll be adding more. In partnership with our financial partners Mogo and commercial banks.We are also grateful to Car General who are giving us the electric fleet. So electric mobility is a conversation whose time is now so we are
subsidizing our fleet so that many drivers can get it.

Many people love your leadership style.What is the secret to your success?

I believe in transformational leadership. I did a bit of transport works under the late CS John Michuki. He’s an elder that inspired me alot and I participated in a lot of road safety programs and matters conveying transport activities.I have also done some programs in Europe which are working until today and so I’m very proud of the transition in our country.
We can’t do this outside but not do it in Kenya. We need to grow our transport sector. Our boda boda riders and our Tuk Tuk drivers need to understand they are entrepreneurs. They are not just drivers.They are part of the economy growth of this country and part of the

What would you like your legacy to be?
I would like to end my transport leadership journey as a champion of transition to e-mobility and am encouraging our youth and adults in the transport sector to embrace electric vehicles. They may seem a bit expensive from the onset but it reduces the cost of operation and other little factors.We are actually encouraging our people to go electric. I’m also driving an electric vehicle myself. I look forward to seeing drivers and riders in the transport sector going electric.


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