• Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Kenyan Top Stories

Telling Kenyan Stories


The Government of South Sudan Minister of Information, Communication Technology, and Postal Services Michael Makuei Lueth (MML) stands as a towering figure in the annals of corruption in the Africa’s youngest nation.

His reputation, a toxic blend of arrogance, nepotism, and a disregard for accountability, makes him a notorious symbol of the systemic graft that plagues and holds our nation from progressing.

A closer look at Lueth’s track record reveals a pattern of self-enrichment and abuse of power that is both shocking and disheartening. From questionable contracts and exorbitant payments to blatant favouritism towards his clan members, Lueth’s actions continue to significantly erode public trust in the government and undermine our country’s development.

Lueth’s penchant for nepotism is equally evident. He has consistently favoured his clan members and relatives for government positions and lucrative contracts, regardless of their qualifications. This practice has not only stifled opportunities for talented individuals from other regions but has also led to the misallocation of public resources.

The evidence of Lueth’s corrupt activities is overwhelming and undeniable. These records are not merely allegations but documented facts that cannot be disputed by him or his associates. It is imperative that he and his associates acknowledge the gravity of these accusations and remain aware that a significant portion of the South Sudanese population is fully cognizant of his transgressions.

The people of South Sudan deserve to enjoy the dividends and benefits of independence, transparency and accountability that Hon. MML’s continued corruption denies them.

In a blatant disregard for the law and the public good, Lueth , entered into a highly questionable lease agreement with ABC Co. Limited, a Chinese-owned company, on April 1, 2014. This agreement, valued at a staggering $25,000 per month, granted ABC Co. Ltd. a 25-year lease on the Beijing Hotel, a prime piece of government property.

Shockingly, the funds allocated for this exorbitant lease were not transferred to the Ministry of Finance and Planning as required by law and standard practice. Instead, these public funds are siphoned off by Hon. MML and his accomplice, Executive Director Nhial Chagai Matet.

The Accounting officer, an Undersecretary within the Ministry, was deliberately excluded from this illicit scheme.

The stolen funds are being used by Lueth to purchase political support from Warrap State, a desperate attempt to bolster his political position and evade accountability for his corrupt actions.

Beijing Hotel Lease Agreement: Prioritization of Personal Gain Over Public Service

In a stark display of corruption, on October 29, 2019, Lueth approved the allocation of $10,000 to Mading Ngor Akec, a close personal associate. This sum was ostensibly intended to support the “Fixing South Sudan Programs,” a dubious initiative that appears to have little connection to the public good.

The stark contrast between this wasteful expenditure and the dire financial straits of the South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) is a damning indictment of Lueth’s priorities. While the national television struggles to provide essential services to the population due to a lack of funds, the Minister is recklessly diverting public resources to enrich his cronies. Such a flagrant abuse of power is a clear manifestation of corruption and a betrayal of the South Sudanese people.

Shady Family Enrichment Scheme: A Clear Conflict of Interest

On April 16, 2020, Lueth, gave his green light to a highly questionable contract. He instructed the former Director General of the National Communications Authority (NCA) to proceed with the award, which was officially granted on May 6, 2020, to Geners Company Ltd.

Mach Deng Daniel Comes into the frame

A closer examination of Geners Company Ltd reveals a glaring conflict of interest: the company is owned by Mr. Mach Deng Daniel (Deng Mach), a relative of the Minister.

This nepotistic arrangement raises serious concerns about the transparency and fairness of the contract award process. The contract, valued at a staggering $3,689,735, was for the construction of a security perimeter wall around the Telecom Building in Gumbo.

The exorbitant price tag and the questionable circumstances surrounding the award suggest that this was a lucrative deal designed to benefit  Lueth and his associates, rather than serving the best interests of the South Sudanese people.

Geners Company Ltd Strikes Again: A Cash Cow for Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth’s Family

The lucrative dealings of Geners Company Ltd, the family-owned business closely associated with Lueth, continued on June 22, 2020. The company was awarded another contract, this time for cleaning and maintenance services at the Telecoms House-Gumbo facility.

The contract, valued at $64,000 per month for a three-month period, stipulated a monthly payment of $32,000.

This contract, signed between the National Communications Authority (NCA), South Sudan International Gateway (SSIGW), and Geners Company Ltd, solidifies the pattern of corruption and nepotism that has characterized Lueth’s tenure as Minister.

 The awarding of such lucrative contracts to a family-owned business, despite the availability of more competitive options, is a blatant disregard for the principles of good governance and a betrayal of the South Sudanese people.

In yet another brazen act of corruption, Lueth unilaterally awarded a contract to Geners Company Ltd on July 10, 2020. This time, the contract was for the furnishing of his personal office.

The awarding of this contract to a family-owned business, bypassing any competitive bidding process, is a clear violation of ethical standards and a blatant misuse of public funds. It demonstrates Lueth’s complete disregard for the principles of accountability and transparency, and his unwavering commitment to enriching himself and his family at the expense of the South Sudanese people.

Geners Company Ltd Cashes In, Again!!

On August 13, 2020, Geners Company Ltd, the favoured contractor and family enterprise of Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth, submitted a request for payment amounting to $278,489 USD. This payment was intended to settle outstanding debts incurred for supplies provided to the National Communications Authority (NCA).

The NCA promptly fulfilled this request, transferring the funds in a series of payments. This transaction further highlights the preferential treatment afforded to Geners Company Ltd by Hon MML, raising serious concerns about corruption and nepotism spearheaded by Hon MML.

Another Multi-Million Dollar Heist: the SSBC/DStv Deal That Never Was

On December 3, 2020, Hon. MML orchestrated a fraudulent scheme to siphon off public funds. He requested a one-time payment of $3,100,000 from Hon. Athian Athian, the former Minister of Finance and Planning, ostensibly for the acquisition of Multichoice/DSTV satellite services for SSBC, the national television station.

However, this claim was not a legitimate business transaction but a blatant lie. According to MultiChoice’s business practices, there is no such thing as a one-time off payment for DSTV services in South Sudan.

 Moreover, even if such a payment were required, the amount demanded by Hon. MML was grossly inflated, suggesting a deliberate attempt to defraud the government.

The funds were duly transferred, but instead of being used for their ‘intended purpose’, Hon. MML colluded with his associates, Hon. Paul Mayom Akec and Abraham Anyang of Target Media, to embezzle the money. This revelation exposes a corrupt scheme designed to enrich these individuals at the expense of the South Sudanese people.

The Looting Continues

On February 24, 2021, Hon. MML once again demonstrated his flagrant disregard for the principles of good governance.

He personally authorized the Chief Executive Officer of the South Sudan International Gateway (SSIGW) to make payment of $75,905 to Geners Company Ltd, the family-owned business, for furniture and electronics supplied to his office and that of his Deputy Minister.

This action represents a clear violation of established procedures and a gross abuse of his Ministerial authority. The responsibility for authorizing payment requests for operational costs lies with the Accounting Officer, not the minister himself. By overstepping his authority in this manner Lueth effectively transformed public funds into a personal slush fund, enriching himself and his associates at the expense of the public and underscores his unending utter contempt for the people of South Sudan.

Stealing in the Name of Peace: The Dolku Company Ltd & Tearb Media Linkage

Under the guise of promoting peace, he approved a staggering $316,000 to Dolku Company Ltd, a company owned by his relative, Mading Ngor Akech. This money was supposedly intended to establish radio and television stations to disseminate the Revitalized Peace Agreement. However, a closer examination reveals a web of deceit and corruption.

In a blatant act of self-enrichment, Lueth requested the Governor of Bank of South Sudan to exchange a substantial sum of South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) for hard currency. This exchange was ostensibly necessary to procure broadcasting materials. However, the real purpose was to transfer funds to Mading Ngor Akech through the South Sudan International Gateway (SSIGW).

The irony of this situation is palpable. At the time of the funding, Mading Ngor Akech did not even own a radio station. The $316,000 was used to establish Dolku Radio and Television, which was later rebranded as Tearb Media.

The request for hard currency to purchase broadcasting materials outside of South Sudan further exposes the fraudulent nature of this scheme.

It is evident that Hon. MML was not interested in promoting peace or providing essential services to the people. Instead, he was using his position of power to line his own pockets at the expense of the South Sudanese taxpayers.

Scandalous Abuse of Power: Using Public Funds for Personal Grieving

On August 16, 2022, Mr. Nhial Chagai Matet, the Executive Director of the Office of the Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT), made a shocking request to Hon. Dr. Lado Wani, the Undersecretary for the Telecom Sector within the same ministry. Matet sought the allocation of $125,000 USD to facilitate the prayers and funeral rites of the minister’s late daughter.

This outrageous request is a blatant violation of government regulations and a clear misuse of public funds. It is unconscionable that such a significant sum was sought for personal bereavement, particularly when the country faces numerous pressing challenges that require government resources.

Ending the Culture of Corruption and Impunity

The evidence against Lueth is overwhelming. His consistent involvement in corrupt practices, coupled with his disregard for the principles of good governance, make him a prime example of the systemic corruption that prevents the people of South Sudan from enjoying their hard-fought freedom and independence. It is imperative that the government and the international community take decisive action to address these allegations and hold Lueth accountable for his actions.

Geners Company Mach Deng Daniel Michael Makuei Lueth Nhial Chagai Mate

Lueth, a representative for Bor County in the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, hails from Makuac Payam within the Koc Clan.

Following his graduation from the University of Khartoum in 1977, he served as a judge before joining the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement / Army  (SPLM/A).

 During his time with the SPLM/A, Lueth’s career took a dramatic turn. In the 1980s, he was court-martialled after troops under his command surrendered to the Sudanese Army Forces (SAF). While he narrowly escaped the death penalty, his involvement in this incident has cast a shadow over his political career.

He spent several years in exile at the Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya before returning to South Sudan following the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Despite his educational credentials, Hon. Makuei has become synonymous with corruption and nepotism in South Sudan. His involvement in numerous scandals, including embezzlement and the preferential treatment of family members, has eroded public trust in his leadership.


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