Who is Patrick Oke?
I’m the CEO of Alujo Company Limited and a board member of KIFWA.
What are your thoughts on the logistics conference?
The conference is fruitful because we have met people from all over the world.I have benefited alot from it thanks to kifwa.

Tell us a bit more about your organization:
My organization was started in 2002 and was incorporated into a limited company in 2010 and now it’s almost 20 years old.I always wanted to be a lawyer or scientist but life had different plans.
What are your thoughts on afcfta?
Currently the govt has made efforts to remove barriers and in the next 5years we hope there will be no borders.
What is the secret to your success?
Trust and hard work is vital.Sometimes customers can give you upto a million without meeting you in person so you have to be trustworthy and reliable as a service provider.
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
In the next 10 years I see us dealing with our own individual currencies as a continent.I believe we should trade in our own currency.Trasitioning from the dollar might take time but if Africa becomes one nation it would be easier but because it involves many countries it might take time.We are looking to bring all African countries together.
What are your thoughts on the logistics industry?
We are looking to incorporate machines in the workplace.We should work hard and collaborate like for instance two companies should come together to achieve greater things.We should copy developed countries and embrace technology in our organizations.
What are your thoughts on AFCFTA?
Afcfta is meant to bring countries together.It is not to meant to make countries abandon their already regional established regional blocks.I see it taking Africa to the next level.